

By Q. Gelford. Harvard University.

When an intoxication with one of these agents is suspected buy 200mg zovirax free shipping, consulta- tion of a nephrologist and pharmacologist is warranted [7 800mg zovirax otc, 14 ] discount 800mg zovirax free shipping. Their protein binding ranges from 5 % for barbital to 70 % for secobarbital, and their endogenous clearance ranges from 3 mL/min for barbital to 53 mL/min for secobarbital. Although for all barbiturates extracorporeal clearance is higher than endogenous clearance, barbital, phenobarbital, and secobarbital are most suitable for this technique because of their low endogenous clearance [15]. The choice for extracorporeal treatment in case of barbiturate overdose depends on the severity of the toxicity rather than on the serum level and should be considered in cases of severe hypotension, respiratory depres- sion, or deep and prolonged coma. However, with the use of high-flux, high-efficiency membranes, similar or even better elimination can be obtained with hemodialysis [16, 17]. Substance Preferred method Barbiturates Hemoperfusion/hemodialysis Lithium Hemodialysis Metformin Hemodialysis Salicylates Hemodialysis Theophylline Hemoperfusion/hemodialysis Table 19. With hemodialysis, an extraction ratio of 90 % and a clearance ranging from 63 to 114 mL/min can be achieved [18]. Hemodialysis is even more effective in removing lithium than the kidney itself, since 70–80 % of lithium fil- tered by the kidney is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. Although the serum lithium level is effectively lowered by hemodialysis, a rebound rise in serum levels occurs 6–8 h after cessation of the treatment, since lithium redistributes to the circulation from the interstitial space [19]. Therefore, hemodialysis should be continued until the serum lithium level remains below 1 mEq/L. Metformin has a molecular weight of 166 Da, is not protein bound, and is excreted by the kidney by means of glomerular filtra- tion and tubular secretion. Its renal clearance therefore exceeds the creatinine clearance and ranges from 552 to 642 mL/min, reaching a plasma elimination half-life of 1. Metformin intoxication itself can induce acute renal failure, which aggravates toxicity. By means of hemodialysis, metformin can be removed with clearances up to 170 mL/min [22]. Extracorporeal treatment should be performed in cases of refractory lactic acidosis or impaired renal function [23–25 ]. The elimination half-life is dose dependent, ranging from 2 h at a low dose to 30 h at a high dose. Treatment with hemodialysis should be started when the serum level exceeds 700 mg/L or when the clinical situation deteriorates (altered mental status, respiratory failure, pulmonary edema, severe acid-base disturbances, renal failure) [26]. Hemodialysis is recommended as the extracorporeal treatment of choice, since it more rapidly corrects metabolic acidosis and electrolyte disturbances [27 ]. At therapeutic levels its elimination obeys first order kinetics, while limitation of the enzyme capacity results in zero order kinetics at higher concentrations [28]. Since theophylline binds readily to charcoal, hemoperfusion is the treatment of choice. In acute toxicity, it should be started at serum levels greater than 90 μg/mL and in chronic intoxications at levels greater than 40 μg/mL in the presence of signs of severe toxicity. It is converted by alcohol dehydrogenase to glycolate, which causes renal failure and pulmonary and cerebral edema. Therefore, the mainstay of the treatment of ethyl- ene glycol poisoning is the inhibition of alcohol dehydrogenase with ethanol or fomepizole [29, 30]. Hemodialysis should be started when signs and symptoms of severe toxicity are present (deteriorating vital signs, severe metabolic acidosis, acute kidney injury, pulmonary or cerebral edema) or when the serum level exceeds 0. Hemodialysis effectively eliminates glycolate with an elimi- nation half-life of 155 ± 474 min, compared with a spontaneous elimination half- life of 625 ± 474 min [30, 31]. Under physiological circumstances, methanol is metabolized by alcohol dehy- drogenase to formaldehyde, and by aldehyde hydrogenase to formic acid, which is responsible for the acidosis and toxic manifestations. Therefore, the primary step in the treatment of methanol intoxication is inhibition of alcohol dehydroge- nase with ethanol or fomepizole [29, 30]. The usual criteria for hemodialysis include severe acidosis, visual impairment, renal failure, electrolyte disturbances or a plasma methanol concentration greater than 0. The endogenous half-life of formic acid is 205±25 min, whereas the hemodialysis half-life is 185 ± 63 min [33]. Isopropanol is a colorless liquid with a bitter taste, used in the manufacturing of acetone and glycerin. Unlike ethylene glycol and methanol, most of the toxic effects of isopro- panol are due to the parent compound itself. The clinical signs of intoxication occur within 1 h of ingestion and include gastrointestinal symptoms, confusion, stupor, and coma. Severe intoxications may present with hypotension due to cardiac depression and vasodilatation [34].

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In contrast discount zovirax 800 mg visa, with liquefactive necrosis the dead cells are completely dissolved by hydrolytic enzymes cheap zovirax 800mg overnight delivery. This type of necrosis can be seen in ischemic necrosis of the brain buy cheap zovirax 800 mg, but classically it is associated with acute bacterial infections. Fat necrosis, seen with acute pancreatic necrosis, is fat cell death caused by lipases. Fibrinoid necrosis is an abnormality seen sometimes in injured blood vessels where plasma proteins abnormally accumulate within the vessel walls. Caseous necrosis is a combination of coagulative and liquefactive necrosis, but the necrotic cells are not totally dissolved and remain as amorphic, coarsely granular, eosinophilic debris. Gangrenous necrosis of extremi- ties is also a combination of coagulative and liquefactive necrosis. In dry gangrene the coagulative pattern is predominate, while in wet gangrene the liquefactive pattern is predominate. Primary lysosomes are cytoplasmic vacuoles that contain numerous acid hydrolases produced by the Golgi. These vacuoles combine either with vacuoles con- taining cellular components (autosomes) or with clathrin-coated endocytic vesicles that contain extracellular material (phagosomes). This fusion forms the secondary lysosome (multivesicular body, or phagolysosome) in which the macromolecules are degraded. The products of the normal lysosomal function are usually reutilized by the cell, but if the material is not digestible (e. Examples of hypertrophy include enlarged skeletal muscle in response to repeated exercise or anabolic steroid use and enlarged car- diac muscle in response to volume overload or hypertension. Exam- ples of physiologic hyperplasia include the increased size of the female breast or uterus in response to hormones. Pathologic hyperplasia may be compensatory to some abnormal process, or it may be a purely abnormal process. Examples of compensatory pathologic hyperplasia include the regenerating liver, increased numbers of erythrocytes in response to chronic hypoxia, and increased numbers of lymphocytes within lymph nodes in response to bacterial infections [follicular (nodular) hyperplasia]. Examples of purely pathologic hyperplasia include abnormal enlargement of the endometrium (endometrial hyperplasia) and the prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia). Examples of atrophy include decreased size of limbs immobilized by a plaster cast or paralysis, or decreased size of organs affected by endocrine insufficiencies or decreased blood flow. Metaplasia is a term that describes the conversion of one histologic cell type to another. Examples of metapla- sia include respiratory epithelium changing to stratified squamous epithe- lium (squamous metaplasia) in response to prolonged smoking, the normal glandular epithelium of the endocervix changing to stratified squamous epithelium (squamous metaplasia) in response to chronic inflammation, or the normal stratified squamous epithelium of the lower esophagus chang- ing to gastric-type mucosa in response to chronic reflux. In contrast to metaplasia, dysplasia refers to disorganized growth and is characterized by the presence of atypical or dysplastic cells. Dysplasia can be seen in many organs, such as within the epidermis in response to sun damage (actinic keratosis), the respiratory tract, or the cervix (cervical dysplasia). These 100 Pathology substances can cause proliferation of many types of epithelial cells and fibroblasts. Celsus originally described four cardinal signs of inflammation: rubor (redness), tumor (swelling), calor (heat), and dolor (pain). Redness (rubor) and heat (calor) are primar- ily the result of increased blood flow secondary to vasodilation of arterioles. This vasodilation is mainly the result of prostaglandins (prostacyclin) and nitric oxide, but histamine and bradykinin also participate in this response. Swelling (tumor) results from fluid leaking into the interstitium, while pain (dolor) results from the secretion of bradykinin. This increased vascular permeability results from either direct endothelial injury or contraction of endothelial cells. Substances that cause the latter include histamine (secreted from mast cells, basophils, and platelets), bradykinin, comple- ment components (C3a and C5a), and leukotrienes (C4, D4, and E4). The result of this increased vascular permeability is that large amounts of fluid and cells from the blood can leak into the interstitial tissue. This inflam- matory edema fluid, called an exudate, is characterized by a high protein content, numerous inflammatory cells (mainly neutrophils), abundant cel- lular debris, and a specific gravity greater than 1. In contrast to exu- dates, transudates result from either increased intravascular hydrostatic pressure or decreased osmotic pressure and are characterized by a low pro- tein content, few cells, and a specific gravity less than 1. The most signifi- cant chemotactic agents for neutrophils include bacterial products, complement components (particularly C5a), products of the lipoxyge- nase pathway (mainly leukotriene B4), and cytokines (particularly inter- leukin 8). These reactions result in increased calcium levels in the cytoplasm of neutrophils, which then stimulates the assembly of contractile ele- ments in the cytoplasm of leukocytes (actin and myosin), causing move- ment. These same chemotactic factors activate leukocytes, which results in increased production of arachidonic acid metabolites, activation of the respiratory (oxidative) burst, degranulation and secretion of lysosomal enzymes, and modulation of the leukocyte adhesion molecules. In contrast, abnormal fusion of phagosomes to primary lysosomes is the principal defect in Chédiak-Higashi syndrome; attachment of chemi- cals to extracellular material to increase phagocytosis describes opsonins; and transmigration of cells from blood vessels into tissue refers to dia- pedesis. Abnormal formation of melanosomes in these individuals results in oculocutaneous albinism.