

M. Jose. Medical College of Wisconsin.

Case reports demonstrate some utility for the long half-life benzodiazepine clonazepam (54) quality lopid 300mg. In theory effective 300 mg lopid, buspirone may treat anxiety or impulsive aggression without the risk of abuse or tolerance generic 300mg lopid with mastercard. However, the absence of an immediate effect generally makes this drug less accept- able to patients with borderline personality disorder. Currently, there are no published data on the use of buspirone for the treatment of affective dysregulation symptoms in patients with bor- derline personality disorder. Fluoxetine has been shown to be effective for anger in patients with borderline personality disorder independent of its effects on de- pressed mood (44). Effects of fluoxetine on anger and impulsivity may appear within days, much earlier than antidepressant effects. Clinical experience suggests that in patients with se- vere behavioral dyscontrol, low-dose neuroleptics can be added to the regimen for a rapid response; they may also improve affective symptoms (50). However, they are not a first-line treatment because of concerns about adherence to required dietary restrictions and because of their more problematic side effects. Mood stabilizers are another second-line (or adjunctive) treatment for affective dysregula- tion symptoms in patients with borderline personality disorder. Lithium carbonate has the most re- search support in randomized controlled trials studying patients with personality disorders (although not specifically borderline personality disorder). However, these studies focused pri- marily on impulsivity and aggression rather than mood regulation (58–60). Nonetheless, lith- ium may be helpful for mood lability as a primary presentation in patients with a personality disorder (61). Lithium has the disadvantage of a narrow margin of safety in overdose and the risk of hypothyroidism with long-term use. Carbamazepine has demonstrated efficacy for impulsivity, anger, suicidality, and anxiety in patients with borderline personality disorder and hysteroid dysphoria (62). However, a small, controlled study of patients with borderline personality disorder with no axis I affective disor- der found no significant benefit for carbamazepine (63). Carbamazepine has been reported to precipitate melancholic depression in patients with borderline personality disorder who have a history of this disorder (64), and it has the potential to cause bone marrow suppression. Valproate demonstrated modest efficacy for depressed mood in patients with borderline per- sonality disorder in one small, randomized, controlled trial (65). Open-label case reports sug- gest that this medication may also decrease agitation, aggression, anxiety, impulsivity, rejection sensitivity, anger, and irritability in patients with borderline personality disorder (66). Al- though the use of carbamazepine and valproate is widespread, psychiatrists should be aware of the lack of solid research support for their use in patients with borderline personality disorder. Randomized controlled trials and open-label studies with fluoxetine and sertraline have shown that their effect on impulsive behavior is in- dependent of their effect on depression and anxiety (67). Clinical experience suggests that the duration of treatment following improvement of impulsive aggression should be determined by the clin- ical state of the patient, including his or her risk of exposure to life stressors and progress in learning coping skills. When the target for treatment is a trait vulnerability, a predetermined limit on treatment duration cannot be set. Although this combination has not been studied, random- ized controlled trials of neuroleptics alone have demonstrated their efficacy for impulsivity in pa- tients with borderline personality disorder. The effect is rapid in onset, often within hours with oral use (and more rapidly when given intramuscularly), providing immediate control of escalating im- pulsive-aggressive behavior. Nonetheless, studies in impulsive adults and adolescents with criminal be- havior (who were not selected for having borderline personality disorder) demonstrate that lith- ium alone is effective for impulsive-aggressive symptoms (58–60). In a placebo-controlled crossover study of women with borderline per- sonality disorder and hysteroid dysphoria, tranylcypromine was effective for the treatment of impulsive behavior (55). In another randomized controlled trial, phenelzine was effective for the treatment of anger and irritability (56, 68). The use of carbamazepine or valproate for impulse control in patients with borderline personality disorder appears to be widespread in clin- ical practice, although empirical evidence for their efficacy for impulsive aggression is limited and inconclusive. Carbamazepine has been shown to decrease behavioral impulsivity in patients with borderline personality disorder and hysteroid dysphoria. However, in a small controlled study that excluded patients with an affective disorder (63), carbamazepine proved no better than placebo for impulsivity in borderline personality disorder. Support for the use of valproate for impulsivity in borderline personality disorder is derived only from case reports, one small randomized control study, and one open-label trial in which impulsivity significantly improved (65, 66, 69, 70). Preliminary evidence suggests that the atypical neuroleptics may have some ef- ficacy for impulsivity in patients with borderline personality disorder, especially severe self- mutilation and other impulsive behaviors arising from psychotic thinking. One open-label trial (71) and one case report (72) support the use of clozapine for this indication.

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There is failure of growth but the child is not as severely wasted as in marasmus lopid 300mg discount. The child shows hair changes (having turned brown buy lopid 300 mg amex, straight and soft) and rashes on the skin (flaky paint dermatitis) discount 300 mg lopid free shipping. It reflects failure to receive adequate nutrition over a long period of time and is also affected by recurrent and chronic illness. Therefore wasting is acute malnutrition – a result of inadequate food intake or a recent episode of illness causing loss of weight and onset of malnutrition. This is a composite indicator which takes into account both chronic and acute malnutrition. Causes include inadequate maternal food intake during pregnancy, short maternal stature and infection such as malaria. Cigarette smoking on the part of the mother also is associated with low birth weight. Most common medical complications in severely malnourished children include generalized oedema, hypothermia, hypoglycaemia, dehydration, anaemia, septicemia/infections and cardiac failure. Treat complications eg dehydration, shock, anemia, infections, hypothermia, hypoglycemia and electrolyte imbalance. In some cases obesity occurs secondary to other disorders or conditions such as hypothyroidism, Cushing’s disease and others. In this regard men with over 24 percent body fat and women with over 35 percent body fat are considered obese. Desirable amounts are 8 to 24 percent body fat for men and 21 to 35 percent for women. Reduction of haemoglobin impairs oxygen transport to the tissues – the basis of the clinical features of anaemia. Four major groups are distinguished:  Haemorrhagic anaemia develops due to various forms of bleeding (trauma, excessive menses, bleeding associated with pregnancy and birth giving, and parasitic infestations such as hookworms and scistosomiasis). Bone marrow depression can be caused by diseases (autoimmune, viral infection), radiation and chemotherapy and intake of some drugs (anti-inflammatory, antibiotics). Nutritional anaemias are o Iron deficiency anaemia o Folic acid deficiency anaemia o Vitamin B12 deficiency anaemia Anaemia affects all population groups but children aged below five years and pregnant women are the most vulnerable. Detection of anaemia is by determining the concentration Hb and the cut-off points at sea level are as follows: Table 4: Population group Hb levels indicating anaemia (g/dl) Children 6 to 59 months Below 11. Iron in foods of animal origin (haem iron) is more easily absorbed compared with iron in foods of plant origin (which is mostly non- haem iron). Vitamin C enhances absorption of iron while tea and coffee inhibits iron absorption. Iron Deficiency The main function of iron is transport of oxygen at various sites in the body. Thus iron is a component of haemoglobin and myglobin (protein molecule in the muscle which carries oxygen for muscle metabolism). Iron is a component of cytochromes (involved in cell respiration); component of xanthine oxidase (involved in catabolism of purines which make nucleic acids). Iron is a component of aconitase (involved in the Krebb’s Cycle) and many other enzymes such as peroxidase and catalase. While Hb concentration is used to define anaemia, it does not define the body’s iron status. Depletion of iron stores: the body’s storage pool (deposits in the liver, spleen and bone marrow) diminishes due to insufficient dietary intake. Iron deficiency erythropoiesis: storage levels substantially reduced, inadequate iron is available in the bone marrow for the synthesis of Hb. Iron deficiency anaemia: last and most severe stage of iron deficiency – iron stores are insufficient to maintain Hb synthesis. Also when food is boiled in water iron is leached and is lost if the water is discarded. The hormones have profound influence on energy metabolism, protein synthesis, growth and development. They also play part in the conversion of carotene to Vitamin A and synthesis of cholesterol. This, in turn, affects brain development, physical growth and functioning of muscles, heart, liver and kidneys. Goitre is an enlarged thyroid gland – a result of thyroid over-activity as it strives to capture sufficient iodine from the blood. The iodine is retained in the body tissues for a long period of time (three to five years), maintaining the thyroid hormones at normal levels  Iodinated oil capsules: 400 mg iodine administered orally, repeated after one to two years  Lugol’s solution: 3 drop (21 mg) once a month, up to one year 4.

The decline was even more pronounced for ecstasy sei- Non-medical use of prescription drugs also appears to be zures discount 300mg lopid otc, falling by 96% between 2005 and 2009 purchase lopid 300mg online, or by widespread in Oceania order 300 mg lopid visa, and it seems to be mainly linked 99% between 2007 and 2009. Nonetheless, with a share to some prescription amphetamines and prescription in global seizures of 1. Significant amounts of In Australia, there is substantial non-medical use of both ecstasy – by local standards – are still being smuggled amphetamines (2. This compares with a lifetime prevalence ever, showed a clear increase over the 2006-2009 period of 3. For Oceania, although the total number of drug-related Illicit drug use deaths is small (approximately 2,800 deaths), the mor- tality rate seems to be rather high, at 119 deaths per one Illicit drug use in Oceania is generally characterized by million inhabitants aged 15-64. At the same time, much progress has been made over the last decade in reducing the prevalence rates. In % of global 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 total in 2009 Cannabis herb 3,514 2,845 2,730 1,445 1,389 0. In 2009, an it is likely that opium production will increase in estimated 12-14 million heroin users consumed some Afghanistan in 2011. On the basis of production, seizure and consumption Europe and Asia remain the key opiate consumption data, an estimated 460-480 mt of heroin were trafficked markets. Of this, 375 mt worldwide, including raw opium, morphine and local reached the consumers. In particular, traffickers’ related to the non-medical use of various prescription use of maritime transportation and seaports has been opioids, such as oxycodone, fentanyl or pethidine. In 2009, 195,700 ha in 2010, a 5% increase from 2009, mainly more than 420 million containers were shipped world- driven by increased cultivation in Myanmar. Although the in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic increased in trafficking routes are constantly changing, the global 2010, but remains at a low level. Over the last three movement of heroin from producers to international years, although cultivation in Afghanistan has declined, consumers follows well-established paths. The area Myanmar is mainly trafficked to China and Mexican under opium poppy cultivation in Afghanistan was esti- heroin is mainly trafficked to the United States of Amer- mated at some 123,000 ha in 2010, the same level as ica, while Afghan heroin is trafficked to every region of 2009. Opiates flow from Afghanistan through Pakistan, the Islamic Global opium production amounted to 4,860 mt in Republic of Iran and Central Asia before moving to the 2010, compared to 7,853 mt the year before. This was main consumer markets in West and Central Europe, largely due to a drastic reduction in Afghanistan’s opium East Europe, and East and South-East Asia. Local anti-government ele- 45 World Drug Report 2011 ments and criminal networks profit from the opiate some countries, becoming one of the drug groups affect- trade in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries, but ing problem drug users. According to conservative estimates (with a 10% 2 are in the Americas, particularly in North America, fol- net-profit margin ) organized crime groups made net lowed by Asia and Europe. The global pattern of opioid use The underground economy produced by the global varies considerably by region. In the Americas and Oce- opiate trade is undermining legal economies and fuel- ania (New Zealand and Australia, in particular) the use ling corruption in some countries. Opiates, especially of prescription opioids constitutes the main problem, heroin, also cause serious health problems, including the while the use of heroin is limited. Although this section mainly analyses global ing that non-medical use of prescription opioids is ‘opiate’ consumption (heroin and opium), other opio- increasingly common in some countries. In Europe, several countries, including the Russian estimated 12-14 million heroin users worldwide in Federation11, the United Kingdom, Italy, France and 2009. A range of opiates are consumed worldwide, how- Germany, are key heroin consumption countries. In ever, including raw opium, morphine and local types of Africa, consumption is mainly concentrated in East, opiates, such as kompot or cherniashka. In recent years, the non-medical 7 4 million opium users worldwide, who consumed 1. Opium smoking is a traditional practice in some 4 Opioid is a generic term applied to alkaloids from opium poppy, South-West Asian and South Asian countries, especially their synthetic analogues, and compounds synthesized in the body. For the purpose of description in this section (and in line with the new Annual Report Questionnaire), ‘opiates’ in this section only refer to opium and 8 The extent of prescription opioid use in Europe needs to be further heroin while ‘prescription opioids’ include morphine and codeine as investigated. The purpose of this box is to clarify the technical definition of these terms and explain the terminology used in present- ing the data in this chapter. Technical definition Opium is produced by the poppy plants and it contains psychoactive substances including morphine, codeine, thebaine, papaverine and noscapine. Opium, together with its psychoactive constituents and their semi-synthetic derivatives, for example heroin (derived from morphine) are described as opiates. Opioid is a generic term applied to two main sets of substances: opiates and synthetic substances (called synthetic opioids), with actions similar to those of morphine, in particular the capacity to relieve pain.